Children playing in the garden

Parents information

See the range of funding options we provide

Children playing in the garden


15 & 30 hours Government Funded Childcare 

What is 2 year Government funded childcare? 

Some two year olds are eligible for 570 hours government-funded early education the term after they turn 2 years old. This is the same as 15 hours per week for 38 weeks. To check your eligibility please go to Once you have been offered your place at the setting you will need to apply via the council.

If you are eligible you will receive a reference code which we will need to have in order to access the funding. 

What is 3 and 4 year Government funded childcare? 

All 3 and 4 year olds are eligible for 570 hours government-funded early education the term after they turn 3 years old.  This is the same as 15 hours per week for 38 weeks. 

You will be asked to complete a termly Parent Agreement Form in order to access this. 

What is 3 and 4 year Government 30 hours funded childcare? 

Some 3 and 4 year olds  of working parents are eligible to receive 1140 hours free government-funded early education. This equals to 30 hours of childcare over 38 weeks. 

Am I eligible? 

You can check to see what help you can receive with your childcare costs and whether you are eligible by visiting: 

For the 30 hours funding your child must be aged either 3 or 4 years old. You, and any partner, must each expect to earn (on average) at least £131 a week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum Wage).  If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you’re unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible. 

You can’t get 30 hours free childcare if you, or your partner, expect to earn £100,000 or more. 

How do I apply? 

For 30 hours funding you need to apply for an eligibility code, please see details below. 

Step 1: Check your eligibility at or the Childcare calculator at 

Step 2: Apply for your eligibility code. Once approved you will receive an 11 digit code. This code, your National Insurance number and the child’s date of birth should then be given to us when you apply for a place. 

Will I lose my funding if I become ineligible? 

If a parent becomes ineligible they will not lose their place immediately as there will be a grace period enabling parents to retain the place for a period of time. 

Are the funded sessions completely free? 

Yes!  We just ask for a 50p per session contribution towards a healthy snack. Payable in advance every term. 


Non-Funded Sessions 

For non-funded places, fees are payable termly in advance, even if your child is absent, plus the healthy snack fee as above. 

Each child’s place is conditional upon continued payment of fees. 

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Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) 

EYPP is additional funding available for early years settings to improve the outcomes for some disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds by supporting their learning and progress as identified in the Early Years Foundation stage. 

How we spend our EYPP 

The EYPP money is used to provide additional support for each of our eligible children.  Each child is unique and has different strengths and needs.  Once these have been assessed through their baseline data & ongoing progress reports the funding is allocated in order to provide the very best support for your child.  This has included: 

High quality activities, such as developing language and communication skills  

  • Supporting SEND or EAL  
  • Targeted resources 
  • Training 
  • Higher Adult - Child ratios 

Am I eligible & How do I apply? 

We will ask for a few details from you and then check with the local authority.  If you are eligible we will contact you to discuss ways we can further support your child. 


Tax Free Childcare & Childcare Vouchers 

We accept Childcare Vouchers via your employer. 

We accept tax free childcare, a government funded top-up of up to £2000 per child per year for towards childcare costs for eligible working families. You must earn under £100k annually and at least £131 per week and not be receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credits or Childcare Vouchers. 

Please click on the link for more information on ways of helping with childcare fees. 


Tax Credits & Universal Credit for Childcare

Go to for further information and to use an independent benefit calculator to see what maybe entitled to.


Support while you study

If you are studying you may be able to get assistance with your childcare costs.  Please go to for more information.